Why do we consider failure a bad thing? Some of us consider failure such a bad thing we don't even try to begin with. Better to sit idle than to try and fail. But what can we learn from sitting idle? Nothing. What can we gain? Nothing.
Let's look at a simple form of things related to exercise. To increase muscle you work your muscles to failure. The muscles then rebuild and come back stronger. As we should. When we try something and fail, we should rebuild and come back stronger. When we fail at something we learn. We see parts that may have worked and parts that did not. We can then change our approach and try again. Learning along the way. Being a failure actually makes you smarter. Scientist write hypotheses over and over until they get to the conclusion they want. Each time learning something new.
The greatest people in our history were failures. A prime example is Thomas Edison. Without his failed trials we would not have a light bulb. While the number of actual attempts are disputed, it was into the thousands. I believe many of us have only done a few things over 1000 times. Think about that number, 1000. And Edison said his attempts numbered over 10,000 to get the light bulb perfect. A monumental failure. Yet all the smarter for it and one of history's greatest inventors.
It isn't failing where we actually fail. Its if we don't get back up, if we don't try again. Once we give up, that's when we truly fail. Imagine what could happen if you tried and SUCCEEDED at the things you were afraid you would fail. How would your life be different? How would others lives be different because you tried and failed and tried again. Try and fail, you may inspire, you may succeed, but you definitely will get better.
Try and fail. Its good for you. Get out and GET SOME!
F-ing Hell, I did it again! What failing has taught me is to re-evaluate what I did and adapt along the way the direction of where I should to go remain focused on my goals. I learned the important aspect is to evaluate your own goals and not set an unrealistic picture for you to attempt and the fact that it is ok to change your expectations along the way to be content with what you want to achieve. The goal is to accomplish what you set out to do. Now not every goal is successful. There is some beauty about failure, that is the valuable lessons learned when you are evaluating yourself and this is one of the critical elements to understanding. What you do next is imperative. Before, I would perceive failure as "I am a reject or a looser" and give up. And NOW, I realize that failure is an important part of learning and understanding yourself, I have learned to turn my emotional stress into valuable knowledge by accepting what is and plan my next step. Failing an important topic to discuss. By the way F is for flourish (you will see your inner growth and yeld the benefits of what failing truly is). F is for formidable (you have the strength to accept failure as a positive). F!! (Fail), I feel better.