Phase 1 7-17-12 by onecooldaddio at Garmin Connect - Details
Here is my run from Tuesday evening. It was 98 degrees with a heat index of 104. Not the coolest weather to run in. I had a bad run time as that heat was relentless. I also did P90X Arms & Shoulders before work and tried to ensure I was properly hydrated by my run time after work. I have written previously about hydration, please check earlier posts for that one, but with the temperatures in Ohio being over 90 consistently I wanted to reiterate the point and give some more information.
I had a discussion yesterday about different types of gel packs for use when running or exercising. There are Clif Shots, GU, GU Roctane, Hammer Nutrition, Power Bar Energy Gels, and many others. If you don't like the taste or consistency of the gel, most brands offer a gummy form. There are Shot Bloks, GU Chomps, Gel Blasts, and others. Then comes the question, do you need electrolytes, extra electrolytes (like Roctane), do you want no caffeine, some more caffeine or twice the caffeine?
I am not a nutritionist, nor am I prescribing these to anyone as a form of diet. I believe it comes down to the individual as to what kind they should use. For me, I like the consistency of Shot Bloks and the taste is really good. I have been able to handle gels more and like the idea of Roctane with the extra electrolytes because my calves cramp easier than I would like. I have used the Tangerine Power Bar Energy 2x caffeine also. It gave me a great kick with the caffeine that was a nice boost during the Tough Mudder I ran.
If you have never tried these items its a good idea to buy one, instead of a box of 24 that you may end up not using. See how you like the taste, consistency, and how it settles on your stomach. Find what works for you and then take them out on the trails.
What have you used and which do you prefer?
Here is a link from WebMD about heat cramps during exercise. Knowledge is as important as endurance. Be smart when you get out and GET SOME!
What I use:
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