Thursday, July 5, 2012

What a mess.

July 3rd Bioreserve Post Storm by onecooldaddio at Garmin Connect - Details

I ran on the third of July through the Denison Bioreserve, which I have previously mentioned on here. Its a decently challenging course but even more so with full grown trees down every 100 yards or so. The trails were blocked to the point where I thought, at first, this will be fun jumping over tree trunks and climbing through the tree tops as they lay across the trails. I quickly learned this will tire you out fast. In heat that has been near 100 degrees, stopping to detour over, around and through was not as fun as I had hoped.

To be honest I did kind of like the challenge but eventually bush-whacking to get around a tree through poison ivy and thorns made the challenge less enjoyable. I even got lost once as I couldn't find the trail on the other side of the 50 yards of fallen trees. Somehow I took the left at Albuquerque and came out on another part of the trail I knew. Usually I can cover 6 miles in a little over an hour, I got through 4 on this day. It was worth it to experience it but I will hope they get it cleared soon. And if they have a tree cutting party I will join to help clear the paths.

If you get a chance don't forget to give back to the trails and parks you love. When they have a maintenance day go and volunteer. Pick up trash, clear trails, take the kids and teach them a valuable lesson. You'll feel great after and when you run you'll see the hard work you put into it.

So go out and GET SOME.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome advice...I run the trails and I see trash along the trails it makes me want to go out there sometime with a bag and just pick up the trash. I do not see how people can just leave it on the trails.
