Monday, March 17, 2014

Where are your New Year's resolutions now?

This year, I will lose weight. This year, I will stop smoking. This year, I will workout more. This year, I will eat better.

Chances are, at some point you have uttered one or more of the above sentences. Furthermore, chances are that you didn't fulfill that prediction. Don't feel too bad (but you should feel at least a little bad that you didn't fulfill it, sorry but honesty isn't always nice), you're not alone. But the best thing you have? A second chance. And you don't have to wait until the end of the year to do it.

Look familiar?

According to a study by University of Scranton, only 8% of New Year's resolutions actually come to fruition ( This comes from a few different problems. One, is that the "resolution" is more of a dream. The person wants to do it, but really isn't going to put the effort in from the beginning. These probably shouldn't even count as resolutions. Like the person getting sick after a night of drinking says they are going to stop, its probably not going to happen. Even if they remember in the morning that they said it. Another problem is that they do want to do it, but don't write down any goals. They want to lose 50 lbs, but need to start with 5 lbs. Write down the goals and small steps that will get you there. Then follow your plan. Many people follow a GPS when driving, why not have the same with your resolutions? Ask for help from family or friends or your doctor. Many can help with fitness, smoking, weight loss, finances, whatever your resolution. One more reason is that the resolution is too big, the person bites off more than they can chew, and when they don't do as well as they wanted, they lose faith and quit. If you don't run much, a marathon by March 17th might be a bit too much. Set realistic goals, ones that you know you can attain and be proud of your progress. Don't compare yourself to others. If you do this with a buddy, make sure you are both on the same level, but remember your outcome might differ from theirs. If you go it alone and your goal is 10 miles in a week by March, don't worry about your neighbor who is doing 20 miles a week. Do your thing for you. And be proud, those 10 miles are 10 more than most people!

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. I believe if you want to make a change, do it now. I support those who do NY resolutions if it gets them going, but if you fall off, jump back on. Its only March, you still have nine months to make your resolutions come true. Reset and get going. Remember how excited you were to start doing this? Find that excitement again. You can do it. Set up your plan and make it happen.

If you didn't make a NY resolution but want to change something, make that change now. Why wait for New Year's eve? Why wait for the beginning of the next week? Why even wait until tomorrow? Make the change now. Write down your "resolution plan" so that it isn't just something people say and float around on a whim, make it a goal. Make it real. Then go do it. Whatever your goal is, get it. Get some!

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