Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mountain Goat Course, The Ending...Or Just The Beginning

We are coming to the end of the Mountain Goat course, but its never really over. There are many additions and alternate routes we can take. And you can do it again and again and have a different challenge each time.  But picking back up where we left off...

At the top of the gas line we completed our push ups, ran across a downed tree and crawled under several other downed trees. We then head further up the clearing which takes us down a good hill and back up the other side. At the top of this hill is a stack of bricks. This is used somewhat like a wall to climb over. Climbing up one side, running across the top and down the other side.

Off the bricks its about 100 yards to a gas marker that is the turn around point. Now we turn around and hit all the obstacles on the way back. We  return across the bricks, down and up the hill back to the push up station. After knocking out more sets of push ups we head to a second ladder which is longer than the first one. On this 10 ft ladder we go up and back twice and continue down the gas line clearing. We pass the trail we came out and head to Bear Crawl Hill. At the bottom of the current hill is a path that runs parallel to the path we came out, at the end of it we turn and head up. This is an extreme incline that we have to crawl, walk or claw our way up.

Hard to see at night but the hill goes up. Straight up.

A new addition to the course is a cargo net that we hit on the way out and back.

We head back to the shimmy tree, free climb rope, rock climb and the first ladder. During this part we skip the horn and hill loop we ran on the way out. After completing the first ladder for the second time, we run the first loop and finish heading back down the first hill (the one that kills you at the start) and finish back at the house. This will give us 6 hard miles of hills, trails, hills, obstacles, and more hills.

There are alternate routes where we can add additional mileage and guess what...more hills. The main route is 6 miles but there are different course that can be 8-9 miles, 10-12 miles and more.

Train like its the real thing. If you want to come out with us just let me know. We will be happy to introduce you to the course. Whatever you choose to do be safe and go out and GET SOME!


  1. Tammi Herron-SkidmoreSeptember 19, 2012 at 9:18 AM

    About time you guys posted this!

    1. About time, where have you been Tammi? :P Check on the side for other posts about Randy's course. I have some videos of him on youtube also.

  2. Finally!!! That's awesome that you're blogging this....You definitely have to see it to believe it :)
