Thursday, August 9, 2012

Insane in the Morning

Things are finally getting back to normal. I was up at 5:30 and did an Insanity workout. I was able to do the entire routine and modified only two exercises. I can feel that I haven't worked out hard enough lately as my body is tighter and I fatigued quicker than normal. But the time off was needed to heal properly so that I can get back into things and not injure myself causing me to miss even more time.

I also did a little in the pool last night. I'm not a great swimmer by any means but I was trying to get back into the strokes and movement. I quickly noticed that I haven't worked my abs in quite some time. While it wasn't painful the burning fatigue set in quickly with them. So I worked with them this morning being very mindful of the movements. Keeping my hands on the abs, and focusing to feel any abnormal strains. I felt good and got in quite a few crunches, got the burn.

Have any of you had to take time off for injury or surgery? What was it like? How long did it take?

Don't call it a come back, just call it getting some!

An appendix stuffed toy? Nice.

1 comment:

  1. I had a procedure done on a Friday, it required stitches, I had already registered for a 10k run for a Sunday... needless to day, I ran with the support of my Doctors and Nurses - I stretched my stitches but the run went well (much to my surprise). I am amazed how resilient our bodies are.
