Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rope Climb


Its been a few days since I've been on here. I'll try to be better about that. 

I got out Monday night with the trainees. They did great, pushed it for 2.5 miles in some nice weather. Then they did arm hangs while I did pull ups. You can see the distance and strength growing and I'm quite proud, especially of Tracy (there, I used names instead of protecting the innocent). I then went to another park and ran 2.3 miles on a slow incline trail and I ran it hard. My time was 20:45 which isn't great but for that slope I'll take 9 min miles. Then I went home and climbed the rope. I think that is one of the best upper body strength builders. In January I climbed the first time at the Mountain Goat course. I made it up and down a 20ft rope. It wasn't easy. After my Tough Mudder in April I was up and down the rope twice each time we ran by it. I feel strong in that area now. When I watch movies I don't just think how cool it is people are climbing like that, I think, I can do that too.

Saturday we did 2 miles in the hills and I'm sure they loved it. The look on their face was...some type of joy I think. Especially when I said it was time for a pyramid set of burpees. We went up to 8 and back down. It was a good workout. Getting them time in the hills will be key to endurance through the muddy sections of the Mudninja. 

Tip of the day (as learned by my peeps): hydrate. Nuff said. Almost enough said, Get Some!

1 comment:

  1. I can get about 6 feet up my rope so far but I am progressing well still. Had an awesome workout today. Did 8.5 miles fast on a bike and then ran 2.1 on a slight incline. I'm getting some. JC
