Yesterday we went to Hoover Dam to get in a day of training. I'm helping a couple people get ready for their first obstacle race. They get to be my guinea pigs and I don't charge them for making them feel the pain. The race is the Mudninja on July 28th. I gave them some instructions for Wed and Thurs, which one is still sore from today. Also in this training is my boy, he is 7 and a monster. I love him and getting to run and exercise with him combines two of my favorite things.
On Saturday we met at Hoover Dam and ran just over one mile. The trainee did well. My boy did his mile in 12 minutes which I think is pretty good. We then did pull ups. She hung from the bar for 5 attemps trying to hold for 10 secs each and did well. My boy did his 5 for about 5 seconds each. Then we hit the stairs. Stairs are a great workout especially if you don't have hills. There is nothing better than hill training. If you can run in hills, you can tear up flat ground.
The stairs are about 50 steps with a steep incline. The first run was going down and back up touching every step. The next run was down and up touching every other step. Next, beside the steps in the grass. That is the harder of the three and great for pushing it out at the end, giving your all and feeling it.
When we parted ways we said good bye and she said, "I hate you." That, was good training.
Wish I coulda been there. I admire you for helping others to train. But rest assured I was there in GOAT spirit. JC White